Research shows that 85% of our career success depends on our social skills! Mannerly Manners® teen program helps them to reach their goals in life from college and job interviews to feeling comfortable in any social situation by teaching communication, appearance, and leadership skills. This activity-filled class emphasizes role-play on such topics as; the importance of a smile, posture, introductions, table manners, and much more. We give kids the tools to increase their confidence! Classes are small for individual attention; this class also includes a reference manual, a dessert meal, and a certificate of completion.
- Manners - what does it mean to me?
- Introductions- proper greetings and handshake, importance of body language, eye contact and the value of a smile.
- Conversation Skills-how to talk with anyone, entering and exiting a room with ease.
- Interviewing Skills-from the interview for college to the job these skills are important in today’s world!
- Table Manners-how to be seated and seat someone, guest and restaurant etiquette, American and Continental eating styles, napkin use, and much more.
- Electronic Communication Etiquette-how to properly use the telephone and cell phone at home and in public.
- Thank You Notes-understanding this lost art!
- Character Development - how to feel and act confident in all social situations