Our Commitment
It is our goal to continue to present the Mannerly Manners® curriculum in a relevant way that addresses the needs and the concerns of today's students, and to bring civility back to our homes, schools and the workplace. Our program is successful because we appeal to students with realistic messages and interactive activities that are age appropriate and easily applied in real life social situations.
The Mannerly Manners® Story
The Mannerly Manners® program was started by Marilyn Pentel in 1986 as a way to ensure civility in our society and to contribute to a support system for building stronger families. Since that time, the business has grown steadily thanks to numerous accolades from students whose lives have been positively effected by classes they've attended. By empowering students of all ages, Marilyn has made a difference in the Twin Cities community and is now taking her mission to a national level. And, in response to an increased interest in etiquette, she and her staff have adapted the program for adults, businesses and the corporate world.